简述:The first story, "Husband," directed by John B. Murray and written by Craig McGregor, tells the story of a man's jealousy towards Harry, who seems to be friendly to his wife. He was filled with daydreams, and his wife (played by Elk Neihart) comforted him, assuring him that his suspicions were unfounded. But are they? The second story 'Child' is from Hal Potter and is set in the 1910s. It is related to L P. Hartley's' The Middle Man 'has many similarities. A child whose father left first watched his mother, and then his private tutor had an affair with a local man, resulting in tragic consequences. This episode stars Jill Foster and Judy Morris, directed by Tim Burstow. The third story is' The Priest ', written by Thomas Keneally. It tells the story of a pastor (played by Arthur Dignan)'s desire for a nun (played by Robin Nevin), and through his mouth, we hear what I believe is a harsh condemnation of the Catholic Church's dogmatic attitude towards sexuality and celibacy among clergy. This episode is directed by Fred Schepisi. The last and longest story is David Williamson's' The Family Man '. Ken (played by Jack Thompson) is a real estate developer whose wife gave birth to a child the night before. To celebrate, he called his friend Gerry (played by Max Gillis) and convinced him to come over, intending to hire a few prostitutes. When Gerry seemed unwilling, Ken instead convinced him to go to the local bar with him and buy a few salads. They did indeed do so, but Ken's self loathing hindered the development of things. Directed by David Baker.
The first story, "Husband," directed by John B. Murray and written by Craig McGregor, tells the story of a man's jealousy towards Harry, who seems to be friendly to his wife. He was filled with daydreams, and his wife (played by Elk Neihart) comforted him, assuring him that his suspicions were unfounded. But are they? The second story 'Child' is from Hal Potter and is set in the 1910s. It is related to L P. Hartley's' The Middle Man 'has many similarities. A child whose father left first watched his mother, and then his private tutor had an affair with a local man, resulting in tragic consequences. This episode stars Jill Foster and Judy Morris, directed by Tim Burstow. The third story is' The Priest ', written by Thomas Keneally. It tells the story of a pastor (played by Arthur Dignan)'s desire for a nun (played by Robin Nevin), and through his mouth, we hear what I believe is a harsh condemnation of the Catholic Church's dogmatic attitude towards sexuality and celibacy among clergy. This episode is directed by Fred Schepisi. The last and longest story is David Williamson's' The Family Man '. Ken (played by Jack Thompson) is a real estate developer whose wife gave birth to a child the night before. To celebrate, he called his friend Gerry (played by Max Gillis) and convinced him to come over, intending to hire a few prostitutes. When Gerry seemed unwilling, Ken instead convinced him to go to the local bar with him and buy a few salads. They did indeed do so, but Ken's self loathing hindered the development of things. Directed by David Baker.展开