Mr. Neville带着鄙夷说土著人还使用着新石器时代的工具,他真心地希望能改变土著人的境遇,把他们同化到欧洲的文化中。就如同自己觉得好吃的东西,想当然地认为别人也会爱吃,硬生生地非要塞到别人口中。我不得不说,其实我并不讨厌这位Mr. Neville,只是为他感到悲哀。他太自负太自大,把自己看成拯救劣等文明的救世主,浑然不觉自己已然是一个文化上野蛮的侵略者。
这部电影如果不是为了选一个好的题材来做Australian film的演讲 我是不会看的 因为其实对于这样一个历史性的自传题材 对我来说是很无趣的 但是看完以后 和看的时候 感觉催泪 无法控制
这部电影讲的主要是Australia的stolen generation 对于Australian来说 这段历史 并不是那么光彩 stolen generation 自然会联系到aboriginal Australian 和white policy
aboriginal的dreamtime这段历史对他们本身来讲 是非常崇高的 影片开头 molly和妈妈一起抬头看天空中飞翔的老鹰 告诉她那是我们的守护神 aboriginal people是尊崇自然的 他们和land之间的relationship 并视一些动物为不可侵犯的 再后来 molly和daisy躺在荒芜的土地上 昏昏欲睡的时候 是他们的守护神把他们唤醒 还有就是他们即将到家的时候 通过自己文化的守护神 和母亲交流 对于看电影但却没了解过aboriginal history的观影者来说 确实会觉得略扯 但对于他们 这却是无比崇高的一种精神联系
gracie从一开始在church school的时候 就已经注定了之后的悲剧色彩 当molly说要回家的时候 她说她喜欢这儿 并不是情愿…$#
Rabbit Proof Fence tells a story about how the three girls, Molly and her sisters escaped from Moore River to walk nearly 2000 mile all the way to home. Molly and her sisters are considered as Stolen Generations that is, the Australian Aboriginal children who were removed from their families by the Australian stage government. The use of the word “stolen” implied the immorality and injustice of the robbery performed by the government to take off the identities from the Aboriginal children.
The assimilation conducted by A.O. Neville, the head of the government program, is considered by himsel as empathy to the Aboriginal half-caste children. He feels very proud and responsible for the carryout of the job. However, what he does in the film is cruel and cold-blooded that raises empathy among audience. Neville’s intentional empathy turns out to be cruelty and injustice to the Aborigines…
“漫漫回家路”宏大!Best Actors Do not Act
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